Saturday, December 08, 2007

christmas cards

this is our christmas card photo that we are including in our christmas cards. i am finishing seed descriptions and photos. we should be ready to send everything off by monday.

today i cut a giant swath along the fence row where we plan to put the new fence. it was mostly scrub and just a few trees. i also cut down a large oak that was shading our intended pasture. it should amount to about a rick of wood. i have several more to cut down from that same area. they should provide more than enough wood for next winter and probably a surplus for the wood fired hot tub--if i have it done by next fall.


  1. The kids look so sweet! Are you going to make a diagram of how your envision the fencing, pasture and such? I'm a visual learner.

  2. What a trio of cuties!

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    That photo will put holiday cheer in anyone's heart!


    (Blogger still hates me.)

  4. Nice pic! I especially love the pirate shirt. :)

  5. Very cheerful picture. I love the pirate shirt too. You've got a real treasure there. :)



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