Thursday, December 06, 2007

decorating the front door

the kids had a blast with tissue paper and liquid starch. they made stained glass art on the front door. tabitha and i did the unreachable areas.

top of door, i tried to make a sunset. can you tell which one it is?

this is the lower kids part. the light that comes through really gives the feel of an old cathedral.

this is our sorry looking tree. although, it is beginning to grow on me. notice the lack of ornamentation on the lower reaches. toly loves christmas ornaments. luckily the kitchen chair doesn't easily cross the scooting barrier threshold into the bathroom. otherwise, we'd have no place left to hang ornaments.

toly is very comfortable walking, running, hopping and especially climbing. his agility for his age scares me. the worst thing is he understands that pushing something to stand on will increase the trouble that he can get into. baby proofing the house has become impossible.

the hotbed and cold frame are doing marvelously. the arugula has been up for a few days. it was in the low 20's last night i'll check how it fared this morning.


  1. I LOVE the front door, how cool! The tree is nice too.

  2. your door is gorgeous! i think i'm going to put our little guys to work on the sliding glass door in the living room! i love it! great job kids and thanks for inspiring me!

  3. I totally got that was a sunset when I saw it on Tabitha's blog. Having the tree in the bathroom is such a great idea. Taking a nice long bath with all the lights off and just the tree lights on. Very sweet!

  4. I think the tree is perfect. I have a boy like toly. He's big now and has a personality as broad and flexible as the world. A lot of work but well worth the scramble.

  5. The door is so beautiful. I love reading about your life!
    As if you weren't busy enough, now you have been tagged!
    I hope you can play!

  6. i love the stained glass!

    i used to have perfect trees, all colored coordinated (purple and silver) with purple lights up the trunk and white lights all around and then my kids CAME ALONG AND STARTED BREAKING ORNAMENTS AND BRINGING HOME CHEESY HANDMADE ORNAMENTS FROM SCHOOL.

    sorry for the caps, typing 1-handed and nursing...

    anyway, the trees started morphing into a patchwork and now, i wouldn't have it any other way because it has all my kids' personalities meshed together.

  7. Stefan is a chair pusher too. He pushes the chairs to climb right up on the table too. I fully expect to find him standing on the counter one of these days. I'm actually surprised he hasn't tried that one yet. We're getting a little tree and putting it up, as much as that will help.

  8. I'm still giggling that you've got your Christmas tree in the bathroom. :) Neat, but definitely not something you hear about often. Taking a bath with just the tree lights on sound so nice. :)

  9. The window painting sounds like a lot of fun, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing.



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