Sunday, December 30, 2007

christmas seed packages postponed


seed card progress screeched to a halt when our computer crashed, died and gave up the ghost. the seed cards are one of many casualties that suffer because of my lack of planning and not getting those files to a save place. i have removed the hard drive from the laptop and plan to take it to a friends to perform the necessary file recovery.

very soon the packages will go out.

my seed list includes:
danielle mc.
erin s.
christine o.
kristine a.
donna & sarah
kelly @ scf
jessica & mark
walter @ smf

if you are expecting a seed package and aren't on the above list please email me omelay (at) gmail (dot) com and ill happily include you.

on one page there are several types of tomatoes (photos and descriptions). the second page is a mix of vegetables and flowers (photos and descriptions). this should be our very own seed saver contribution. may these heirloom varieties live on.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    well, it will be like having a second christmas when they do come!

    Wishing you all good health and joy in the coming year... I hope it is full of adventure & love!

    Happy New Year & Happy New Baby to Come!


The golden rule applies here...