Tuesday, January 01, 2008

garden excitement

seed catalogs have been arriving in earnest. it is impossible to NOT start to get excited. even the burpee hybrid catalog has an allure--how did they get my name anyway? i am going to attempt a garden map again. the garlic is already in and claimed it's real estate. i haven't even disposed of the old tomato vine skeletons yet. the bean arches are still up. in general the garden is looking very shabby. i plan to do some computer work today which could include redoing the seed cards that we'll send out with our meticulously collected heirloom seeds.

i will remove the music from the bottom of this blog. we have been listening to tabithas new sufjan stevens box set or else using pandora.com--i highly recommend pandora. it is a very cool approach to music and exposes the listener to cool stuff that you'll usually like.

we are all sick with a cold again. the kids got a wooden puzzle of the U.S. for christmas. toly promptly choked on ohio too bad it's not really round on both sides. we had an immediate visit to the hospital. by the time we got there he had already gotten over the choking. we still went in because we were already traumatized and needed reassurances. they never came. the only thing that we got were these colds. each and every one of us is sick--tabitha especially so. i want a t-shirt that says "i went to the hospital and all i got was this lousy cold."

it is a cold one here today. i was going to kill ducks today but it is too inclement for the that sort of task. indoor projects should consume most of my day. maybe a few garden photos a bit later.

white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits

happy new year.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I think we had that same map of the states. I can imagine someone choking on Ohio.

    I was going to go to the woods today, but it's just too cold. Maybe I'll go on Sunday when the temps are supposed to get to 60+

    Looking forward to a great year of posts here!!!

  2. Oh dear. Maps will get you every time.

    I love pandora too, but nowdays it keeps trying to crash my oldie goldie computer.

  3. hey karl!! long time i know, busy with goats, kids and life..haha but i hear you on the excitement of seed catalogs! we are getting them almost everyday now...woohoo!! i bought a ton of seeds last year so am almost set, but when i see all the yummy heirloom vegies, gorgeous flowers, etc., i'm very tempted to add to the pile!

    happy new year!!

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Hello O'Melays, I just found your blog by google-ing laying boxes. I must say that there are many things you are experiencing or trying that we went through/tried. We moved from california also to escape many of the trappings of city life. I find your characterization of the ozarks and its' people to be spot on. We moved to mansfield in summer 2005 from san diego and left all family behind. we finally pretty much fit in. we raise animals and train dogs. anyway, maybe we can swap some ideas. well good luck with ice storm #4? your page is quite inspirational.


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