Thursday, January 17, 2008

the perfect bread

rather the quest for it.

only twice in my life have i had perfect bread. i pine for both moments.

the first time was while in paris. it happened every morning at the little cafe near the hotel. i had a thick rich creamy coffee and a baguette with fresh butter. it was heaven in a simple bread.

the next time was in berkeley. tabitha and tristan were at elephant pharmacy. i went to andronicos and grabbed a baguette because i was starving. i shared it with tabitha and we both agree it was vastly superior to anything. while in the bay area we enjoyed great bread regularly. this was truly perfect bread.

here in missouri the perfect bread can only be a distant memory. tabitha makes good bread but is handicapped. the nature of the local yeast affects the bread negatively--it is inversely true of paris and san francisco. geographically handicapped and the best we can hope for in perfectly executed bread is and 8 or 9 on the 0-10 scale.

our micro climate has one thing. it grows the most fabulous tomatoes. they are like no others. in fact the red round fruit found in most grocery stores shouldn't be able to be called tomatoes.

i think there should be a label MISSOURI TOMATOES. it's defining characteristics are grown in southern missouri. no pesticides, no gmo, no petrol based fertilizers, picked fully ripe and never refrigerated. every other type of tomato should bear the burden of listing it's negative characteristics like cigarette labels must. GMO or hot house or chilled below 50 degrees.

what is perfect in your micro climate?


  1. there's a lil sumpthin over on my blog for you folks!

  2. Berries. Willamette Valley (Oregon) berries. Our soil is perfect for wonderful berries.

  3. Sending good wishes your way for your little one. Our neck of the woods is great for wild raspberries. We could open a store around july 4th just for the berries in the woods out back. There is a great easy bread tutorial on utube, very tasty, something to try. Speaking of snakes, I hear Guinea Hens will seek them out and kill them. My mom has some, the sound those Guineas make is awful, but they took care of her tick problem.

  4. Okra! It's the one thing the drought can't seem to kill, too.

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Blogging is great in my microclimate.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Strawberries. The most perfect wonderful organic strawberries on the planet! Last june I picked 15 gallons and we only have 2 jars of jam left and none of the frozen ones. Ahhhh heaven!


  7. We don't have much sun because we live in the forest, but we do have mushrooms. A chef friend of mine tells me that some are edible. I need to find out which ones.

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    For me, the perfect bread is usually the loaf in front of me.

  9. Mangos and sunsets are pretty great here in Florida. The most perfect thing here in my microclimate is my husband :) My daughter's pretty awesome, too

  10. Snowcones? Yup. Nothing like a nice bowl of snow topped with syrup for dessert.


The golden rule applies here...