Wednesday, January 16, 2008

farm photos

this is the wood pile that i have so far. the first 1/3 of that partial row is sassafras. it is a light wood that will burn fast. it'll be great for the early season and starting fires. it really doesn't count for much heat. i'll need to finish out that row with decent wood to have enough wood for next year. i'll probably cut a fourth row just to be sure. i'll also have to cut some for the fire ring. next year i plan to have many more cook outs. also i'd like to have the hot-tub finished. that'll take a fair share of wood too. all in all i am probably about half way done cutting wood for next year. especially since i have several trees that are shading our intended pasture.

pictured above. just beyond the barn... to the left, by the pile of branches are the offending trees. the chickens working in the barn are scratching where i just move the pile of lumber to finish the top part of the barn. all progress halted this summer because two huge copperhead snakes were living under the wood pile.

this is my baby girl.

she is growing up so quickly that it makes me sad. the chicken to her left is a broiler that we didn't kill. it was too scrawny. now it weighs 30 pounds. i'll probably let it live until the spring culling.

here is the garlic up and happy so far.

here is what it looked like last month.

hermoine underfoot is decidedly cross eyed.

she is a great hunter and probably my favorite cat--ever. she follows me around like a dog--even on long walks into the woods. here she was as a kitten--eating straight from the udder squirt.

as far as toly goes--we don't know. all tests were inconclusive. we are going to wait and see for a while. thank you all for your love and support--we need it.


  1. I love seeing pictures of other people's farms! I am suffering from log pile envy!I am woefully behind on cutting wood.

    We had a huge oak tree brought down because it died with all the trenching it took to built the house. I have it all cut up, but it isn't dry enough to burn.

    Better get to work, Lisa!

  2. nt moore, it does freeze in missouri. garlic needs a freeze to set the bulbs.

    lisa, our first winter was spent burning almost dry wood. i learned a valuable lesson. i'd probably buy wood from a local seller before i'd burn green wood again.

  3. Sassafras—cool! It makes really great poultry roosts because it has natural insect repelling properties. But you probably already knew that. We had some where we used to live, which was much more wooded than our place now.

    Speaking of which, I should see if my friend has any sassafras on her property that I could harvest.


The golden rule applies here...