Tuesday, January 15, 2008

toly is in the hospital

he is scheduled for an upper GI and needed to be on an IV. i hope they figure out what the problem is. this whole thing has been such a fiasco.

tabitha stayed with him last night. i brought tristan and kassi home. i will milk the cow this morning and take the kids back to the hospital.

toly & tabitha had a miserable night. friends & family have been a great support.


  1. Sorry to hear that...We will keep him in our prayers.


  2. I am so sorry. I hope it all will be over soon!

  3. That's so scary. When my littlest was born at home, we weren't aware that I was positive for Strep-B, and four days later, she was diagnosed with spinal meningitis and spent three weeks in the hospital.

    It's so scary when the little ones end up needing medical care.

    We'll be sending healing thoughts your way.

  4. Poor guy, I'll keep you guys in my prayers. Hope they get it all figured out quickly.

  5. prayers being said for both the little man and his parents! sometimes i think it's harder on us than it is on the lil ones!

    at any rate, i hope this test is conclusive, the solution is a gentle one and ya'll can get back to living a normal life really soon!

  6. Thinking of you and your famiy. We'll send healing energy Toly's way.

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    @I will be praying for Toly and your family. After numerous tests and hospital visits, it was determined that my baby had severe tonsillitis. When her tonsils were removed...at age three...ALL problems disappeared. Please keep your faith. If all of your blogger friends were your neighbors, we would keep "the home fires burning", so you could stay with Tabitha and Toly. Surely one of us would know how to milk a cow.

  8. we are back home. nothing new discovered. toly just had another episode.

  9. Anonymous8:46 PM

    poor little guy - i hope they are both home soon and you get a diagnosis to work with! My mil brought over one of those aerobed inflatable mattresses when Gi was in the hospital for a week and it definitely helped me get a bit more sleep while staying with her!

  10. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Toly, poor guy. No fun for anyone for a baby to be in the hospital. We'll be keeping you all in our thoughts. Update soon!

  11. I came across your blog and I hope you don't mind my comment. My oldest suffered from similiar episodes when she was between the ages of 1 1/2 and 4. She had also been diagnosed with GERD, but they couldn't explain the episodes. We have now come to find out she has food allergies. She is severly allergic to tree nuts, but what caused the episodes was peaches, all stone fruits are related to almonds, her key allergy. If your doctors haven't done so yet, ask for food allergy testing, food allergies can present in lots of different and confusing ways and are closely linked to GERD. She would have vomitting, get clammy and unresponsive. We would rush to the hospital, they would do tests, etc and within a few hours she was better (after the peaches had run through her system)and unil she was 5 we never knew the cause. She is anaphylatic to tree nuts so we have always avoided them, and since we took her off of stone fruits (peached, plums, nectarine, cherries, etc) no more episodes and her GERD improved. Just wanted to share our story, I know how scary and frustrating it is to have a sick child and no one be able to tell you what to do to help.

  12. I sure hope he will be ok!


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