Monday, January 14, 2008

seed order 2008


$2.50 1 - Thai Bonanza Loofa
$6.50 1 - Detroit Dark Red - 1/4 lb
$1.50 1 - Boston Pickling
$2.50 1 - Japanese Long
$1.25 1 - Genovese Basil
$1.25 1 - Dill - Bouquet
$2.00 1 - Cilantro Oaxaca
$2.50 1 - European Mesclun Salad
$6.50 1 - Vulcan Chard - 1 oz
$1.50 1 - Butternut - Waltham
$2.50 1 - Musquee de Provence


Windsor broccli $2.65
Parmex carrots $2.55
Kinko carrots $3.00
Arava melon $4.55
Tyee spinach $2.30
Cashflow zucchini $4.20

things seem a bit more expensive at johnnys. we have saved from last year for the rest of our garden needs

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh! Winter dreaming!

    Your Winter landscape looks like late october here.

    I am spending my time keeping the fire going in the shed/barn watching two sows getting ready to farrow. Thank goodness for overnight CBC radio!


The golden rule applies here...