Monday, June 23, 2008

I Smite Thee

saith mother nature.

it hailed golf ball sized hail and rained about seven inches all last night.

garden ruined.. tomatoes pelted to oblivion, onions will not be able to be dry stored. we'll have to can them or use them up.

several chickens dead in broiler coop due to drowning--if you can imagine. others might die soon. we have a heat light on their shivering bodies to try to rescue the rest of them from hypothermia.



  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Oh how awful, your garden was looking gorgeous. I love reading your blog but have never commented. I feel just awful for you.
    Dale Canada

  2. I am so sorry about the garden damage! It was looking so good! And the chickens... my heart is about breaking.

    I know there is nothing to say that will help, but know that your bloggy friends wish you well and are thinking of you all!

  3. So sorry, you guys! I don't feel like there's anything adequate to say... :(

    Hang in there... many prayers are going up your behalf

  4. God that totally sucks.

    I wanted to mention that you can freeze onions as well, if you have the room.

  5. I'm so sorry you've been hit with Mother Nature's rath. It never ceases to amaze me what she is capable of. I hope you can salvage some. Can you replant? Is it too late in the season there?

    - Suzanne

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'm so very sorry. I know how important the garden and the animals are to you all. Sending prayers, all that I have.

  7. That's terrible news! Do you think you can replant some of the warm weather stuff like tomatoes and peppers? Mine are probably only 18 inches tall now and have yet to bloom and I'm a long ways north of you. This year is certainly one that will be remembered and mostly for bad reasons.

  8. Oh, I am sorry to hear your garden has fallen victim to the elements. And the chickens - ugh, that must just be heartbreaking. We out in blogland are rooting for you all, and know you'll find a way to make the best of this.

  9. Oh nooooo! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. You guys sure have had your share of weather this year. Yikes.

    We had a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night last night, and I was laying there praying there was no hail.

    Ugh, I know you guys must be devastated.

  10. Anonymous12:27 PM

    We are SO sorry to hear about this... and will keep our fingers crossed that no more chickens die and that the tomatoes and other garden life perks back up.

    I know you must be heartbroken.

  11. i am sorry to hear that. i hope something is able to bounce back.

    on the onions, can you dry them? i did that last year and they were excellent. i just used an electric dehydrator but even putting them on a screen or cookie sheet in a hot car would work.

  12. Oh no!!! We had a deluge yesterday in which Nicolas wrecked our car but our garden, and Nicolas, are fine. It came out of no where.

    I am so sorry about your tomatoes, onions and chickens. Hang in there.

  13. Oh, I am so sorry.

    Hearing this just makes me sick. I hope you are able to overcome the devastation.


  14. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Ok I am just sick over your loss! We will be praying for you.

  15. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Bummer dude, your garden was looking great. You labeled your post circle of life. Continue on and write about how this event effects this years harvest and chicken butchering totals. If we all were involved in a self relient situation this can be a learning experience for everyone. It will get better just wait and see. Remember the great tiller story.

  16. oh oh!! SO sorry to hear of this! YOu have such a great garden going, that I am sure some of it will bounce back! Will be thinking of you and your family and hope that the loss will become smaller as the days go by.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm so sorry! We've been there - it's such a helpless feeling. Hope you can get some starts and replant tomatoes and whatever else!

  19. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I have been reading your blog from the very begining. I would love to be able to have space to garden.Your garden has provided me with so much pleasure. Your work ethic and family life are truly amazing in this day and time.

    I literally gasped, when I read your entry this morning. Your readers feel your pain. I am so, so sorry.

    Surely some of the tomato plants can be saved. I chop onions and freeze them in measured cup fulls to add to dishes as they are being cooked.

    I hope you have some neigbors who did not lose their crop will step forward and share their bounty.
    I know you would do the same for them.

    My deepest thoughts at with you.

  20. Anonymous2:45 PM

    How awful for you, so sorry this has happened, I know you depend on your garden to feed your family.

  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am so sorry. You put so much of yourself into a garden and it can be devastating when you lose it all. I'm sending good vibes your way.

  23. Anonymous10:13 PM

    How terrible, I read your blog as often as I can, and I know how much work you and your family put into your garden and food supply.
    It isn't just the money outlay, it is the time and mental energy put into homesteading that makes this type of thing so sad. I hope you can salvage something and that the weather evens out and becomes more predictable.

  24. Damn Karl...that just sucks.

    I hope that there is more that made it through the storm than it first appears. We'll be keeping ya'll in our prayers for a speedy garden and broiler recovery.


  25. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hi... just read about your garden at Ed's place. That's really tough after so much loving care, and your garden pictures are beautiful. Do you think you can start again? May not get as much growth or far along, but I'll bet you can still do pretty well for the year? I'm going to try a couple cold frames this year too, and see how long we can grow a few things in fall. Best regards-

  26. SO sorry about the loss...


  27. Very sorry karl. That really sux. I wish I could help you all out somehow; will have ya'll in my thoughts though.

  28. Oh! I'm so sorry. That's just awful.

    I know you'll perservere, though. You and Tabitha are like the strongest people.

    It's just been an incredibly hard season all over the place.


The golden rule applies here...