Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the jury is still out

only three chickens died total. our prompt measures worked on the still living ones. we separated the new pullets from the broilers and have tried to integrate them into the hens. they still try to get back in with their respective broilers. chickens are such creatures of habit. it'll take a few more days of catching them in the evening and putting them in the laying coop.

the garden is another matter. onions are in need of harvesting and storing (dehydrating, freezing and canning) no long term storage onions can be attempted. the tomatoes are not completely ruined. over the next month they will suffer having so many open sores. they will likely succumb to aphids and early blight.

we will do what we can do. at least we'll be able to eat some fresh tomatoes. we probably won't can too many though. last year tabitha put up over 500 pounds of tomatoes and we ran out over a month ago. we'll likely never reach that mark--which we were well on our way towards.

pumpkins and squash also got hit pretty badly. they might not make either. it might be a blessing since tabitha will have just had the baby and won't feel the pressure to can a huge bounty.

with food prices the way they are i'm not sure what the future holds for the unprepared. we'll just do the best we can.

thanks to you all, my blog friends. it seems the collective prayer has helped--at least with my state of mind.


  1. Karl, so sorry to hear about your misfortune. Mother nature can play some nasty tricks on a homesteader. Glad you're gonna be able to save some of it. Just keep your chin up and your hands in the dirt - better times are bound to come.
    One of my boer goats has found a way to get out of her lot and has been helping herself to the corn. Just been out there to check on her and she's still in, for now. It seems there is always something waiting to crush our dreams. We shall overcome !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I'm glad to see that your damage was not a total loss. Hopefully you will be able to save enough to get you through till next year. Prayers headed you way.

  4. Glad to hear things are on the road to recovery. I'll pray for a long summer and late frost.

  5. You might want to try Serenade on your tomatoes for blight. I've heard good things about it keeping the plants productive and holding disease at a minimum.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

  6. Why not cut your tomato plant suckers and replant a fall harvest row for canning? You've still got July, August and September for fruiting.

  7. I'm slow in my blog reading lately so I just read this - so sorry to hear of your losses.


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