Thursday, May 21, 2009

birthday celebration

tabitha and the kids made me a birthday cake. my friend sent me home a mess of wall-eye and kassi picked a salad. it was a great meal.

my best friend sent me a card. he always sends the coolest cards.

my birthday present to myself was that i spent most of it working on my root cellar. if my luck holds i'll get another large chunk of time in on it today. like warren said "it has been a great old friend" although i'll have plenty hanging over my head still..

i also want to squeak in a little effort on the chicken coop. now that the girls are moved in i have had the opportunity to discover some necessary alterations. the storage area is still just a pile of construction rubble that needs cleaning.

this morning we need to stretch the electric fence on the other paddock. the grass is tall and seeded out. we'll let jocelyn in there to eat what she can before i brush hog it in a few weeks. i used the weed-eater and made the necessary perimeter early yesterday morning.

our half beef that we bought should be ready very soon. we have been binging on pork long enough. i look forward to steaks on the grill very soon.

i was little dismayed to discover that some pundits were discussing my blog on their forum. the comparison to john galt required a little google-fu. i purposefully never read any ayn rand. the hippie and enviro-weenie slights i could have done without. mostly they seemed convinced that we live like this out of fear. no, this is a conscious choice. this american's dream doesn't require me to worship the almighty dollar. tabitha said it better than i could ever could. she blogged this a few days ago.

"The Internet Gets Me Down

I was reading somewhere in the vast internets from a group of people who think we are crazy for wanting to use less, pollute less, and preserve the environment. How can that be? In my way of thinking, it doesn’t matter how you feel about ‘global warming’ or the government. Using less is the honorable way to live. Why should we be so greedy? Why not use just what we need? Does it make a person happier/healthier/more holy to use more than they need? Is it their ‘right’? Even now we use way more than we need, but we are trying with our every effort to create the things we use here, or procure them locally at least, to offset our use so that others can have more/live longer/ be more free. In turn, we hope our children will see our choices and whether or not they live this way they will learn it is possible. That is the bottom line. How can that be crazy?"


  1. how horrible to find yourself being talked about/discussed by people you don't even know. what silliness and how rude. but life is lovely when you live on a farm and do what we do. not something you can understand with out having experienced it. screw the jerks, let the joy in. (oh god, now i sound like a hippy, what's happening????)

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I delurk to wish you a "Happy Birthday." As to your life, it's your choice and it goes without saying that what other people think is irrelevant to what you, with your personal autonomy, wish to do with your life. I read your blog and am continually amazed at how difficult it is to "walk the walk" which so many people laud in their salons, who have no idea what it really takes to be self-sufficient. You deserve praise, not ridicule.

    Best regards.

  3. One of the reasons I enjoy reading your blog is because YOU ARE DIFFERENT! If it was up to me we'd be living on a farm and not high maintenance suburbia with all the uppety housewives/ suv's/ and stupid manicured lawns. Less is more, and yes, it is a choice. The right choice if you ask me :)

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm always open to someone proposing a better holistic way to live, or further practical refinements on various aspects of homesteading. I don't appreciate it when people make jabs without proposing alternatives though. It's easier to destroy than to create.

    Maybe I better just say 'happy birthday.' :)


  7. The wonderful thing about the internet is its diversity. Sorry, but that means you are going to run into all types.

    Nevertheless, I find what you are doing as extrememly interesting, and enjoy reading your blog for how it can help me.

    One thing that would benefit most Americans is growing some thicker skin, my self included. Regards.

  8. Happy Birthday!!

    I used to worry about what others said about me..until I so how they were living...indebt!

    I look forward to reading about your simple life because we live a simple life ourselves.

    I don't understand why other's waste their money on the next "new" what-ever.

    I think it's great to be different...and we are just ask our friends:)


  9. I think you both have built quite a beautiful life for your family. Who cares what others say? When people have junk to say, it's usually to appease themselves and justify their choices - i.e. it's about THEM not YOU. :D Happy Birthday!

  10. So, I posted my "honesty" thingy, and I put you down as one of the people I would nominate for the "honest blogger" award. When I was writing the first draft, I said, "Karl and Tabitha are living the American Dream." I think you are. To me, the American Dream IS being self-sufficient on one's own land. I mean, isn't the desire for land ownership and self-sufficiency what, ultimately, created the suburbs?

    It's just too bad that our "modern" culture has forgotten our roots.

    Bravo to you for living "your" dream! And Happy Birthday! May is a good month to be born :).

  11. I think the life you are living is pretty awesome. Not really for the save-the-earth reasons but more for how you can do things for yourself and how you are obtaining and retaining so many skills. There are a lot of people in this world that are 100% dependent on others for their food and shelter. In my book, that is pretty sad.

  12. To thine own self be true.

    Live the life that you want for the reasons that you want and forget what others say. I find how you live your life to be admirable.

  13. Hello,
    I'm de-lurking also. I've read first your wife's blog... and then yours. Probably for the past year or so. My life is so very, very different but there are elements that I can relate to - particulary about child rearing concerns and joys. Anyway, I'm distressed you've received criticism because I think you are giving your children, your community, the earth! the most magnificent gifts and I have learned so much from you both. I'm a "hippy" on the inside too and I appreciate your willingness to share your challengs and triumphs as you live this life that is so aligned with your values.

  14. I'm jealous, I'd love to do what you do. My husband, 3 kids and myself sold our suburban home of 10years in 2007 and bought an RV to travel around homeschooling our kids for a year. We learned alot about conservation and respecting our environment. My husband and I run a business and will be seeking green companies to advertise for. If only we could all be like you and your family the world would be a better place to live. Don't worry about those goofs who have nothing nice to say, it's not everyone's cup of tea and they just don't understand the importance in what you're doing. I'm going to write about you on my blog, I love your photos and your writing. Keep it up, we all may learn to do this one day and so many people would love to.

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Delurking to say that we, over here in CO, love your blog, look forward to checking in and find it inspiring, so phoooieee to those who try and get you down, what do they know, anyway?
    It's looking good, you are quite industrious and it is paying off, we love your dedication and appreciate that you share your journey with the rest of us!
    Thanks and hugs and may your tomatoes thrive!


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