Saturday, May 16, 2009

rock work

i have finally squeezed in some more effort on the root cellar.

over the past few days i have rocked most of the left side and altered the approach a little. that big landing rock weighed a ton.

i figure that i have roughly two more days of rock work left. i should get to it tomorrow if the weather holds. the the back fill will ensue in earnest. this is bob's little tractor with a bucket.

i plan to use this to help with loosening the piles into the wheel barrow. i'll have to take them to the top of the cellar the manual way since there is no way to get the little tractor into a reasonable dumping position.

today was a day of rest. we went to tabitha's fathers house for a little visit and stayed all day. i had to come back home to get some pork chops for the grill. mike did a fine job of grilling them. we had to come home before dark since there were berries to pick.

we got three of these baskets full.

the tomatoes are doing very well in spite of the hail. tonight might be a huge set back since temperatures are supposed to drop down to the lower forties. last night it was almost to hot to sleep. i considered starting up the air conditioner. tonight it is so cool as to almost need a fire in the wood stove. crazy weather..

this is our most robust row.

we are keeping our fingers crossed for a large harvest.

rome has been walking for a few days now. he is so cute. it seems that he must be always carrying something while walking.


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Great work on the root cellar. I got my tiller working today but I need Briggs and Stratton parts and cant find them yet. we have yet to get the rest of our garden in due to the monsoon rains we seem to be getting here lately. I do have 9 tomato plants in the ground though. We are praying that you have a bountiful harvest this year. I remember the damage that you had last year.

  2. this weather is driving me nuts! get warm and stay there already!!

    the root cellar is looking nice. i really like the combination of red door and stone work.

    oh my! i'm envious of the strawberries. i hope ours ripen soon.

  3. The root cellar looks great! I dream of having one ... someday ;).

    We've had a crazy amount of rain, and I just noticed this morning that our strawberrries are flowering like mad! So exciting!

    One of my kids liked to carry something around when she was learning to walk. I think it made her feel more secure.

  4. That root cellar has been a great old friend! I hate to see you finish it...what will hang over your head now?!

  5. I saw on Tabitha's blog that it was your birthday, so came over to here to wish you a Happy one!


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