Monday, June 29, 2009

trickle of tomatoes

we have been eating a few tomatoes. tabitha is worried that we will be consumed in blight soon. i just want a few canner loads worth of tomatoes. admittedly our canner is huge but we really really want some tomatoes this winter.

tabitha put-up 15 quarts of pickled beets and still has two thirds of a row to go. those beets are amazing. we have been having a majority of our meals from our little farm. this is our busiest time of year. keeping up with the garden has been trying.

we have slaughtered all but eight of our fifty chickens. the plucker works great. i realize now that i didn't get the plucker fingers pulled all the way seated in the bottom feather plate. some of them are flinging out occasionally. when i replace them i secure each one properly. when they are wet they insert better than trying to do it dry. with the knowledge of hindsight i'd use plate aluminum for the feather plate. the hdpe cutting board material is thick and makes the fingers difficult to attach. i doubt that i'll ever need to build another plucker but if i do..

kassi had a marvelous birthday. much friendship was had and everyone really enjoyed it. there were three cakes. new heights were reached in the kids sugar buzz. it was almost like the entire place vibrated. the hillbilly slip and slide was a hit. there is almost no greater joy than watching kids play in a sprinkler.

kassi and tristan have discovered network warcraft on the computers. free computer time is getting more and more difficult to find. another computer isn't the answer either. that would mean that toly could play too. then rome would be next. crap everyone needs their own computer. what sinister snowballing spiderweb have i stumbled into?

actually, kassi has been spending plenty of time on starfall. she'll be reading soon. toly is in the middle of a language explosion. he still gets frustrated when he can't get his point across. tristan is a full blown teenager at age six, almost seven. he is just so big and has his own strong opinions. rome is toly's minion of naughtiness. they are always getting into mischief.


  1. ... minion of naughtiness. I was laughing at this descriptor. Too funny!

    I was trying to think of a word to describe my youngest, who is the only blond, and is just about as wild and carefree as they can get. The word feral came to mind, but in a good way :).

    Kids. They sure are a lot of fun ;).

    Yeah, and, uh ... I'd stay away from the trap of trying to get everyone a computer ... although you might want to invest in a computer for mom and dad, and then, let the one you have be the "kid" computer :).

  2. I have to agree with Wendy about getting a second computer. We let our kids play on the computer until my 5 year old did something that I couldn't undo and I ended up losing just about all my pictures, lost all my downloaded and uploaded programs and had to take it to a fixit shop to see if anything could be recovered. It was an expensive fix and they only recovered 250 of thousands of pictures. We don't allow the kids on the computer anymore, this is our moneymaker and lifeline to the outside world.

    We have been looking around for a used computer or maybe even one of those cheap little laptop computers that they sell now, just for the kids so they leave ours alone.

    We aren't eating anything from our garden yet, but we are enjoying the abundance of mulberries and black raspberries.. yum!

  3. 15 quarts of beets!? Wow... I planted a 25 foot row, and they've struggled. Then I walked out this morning to see that a mole tunneled right up the row, with all the tops wilted. Still tryin'...

  4. hillbilly slip-and-slide! woohoo!

  5. Congrats on the maters! I hope the blights aren't too damaging for you, I've got something starting here but not too widespread yet.

    More computers won't help, if your family is like ours. :) Our old one became Kiddo's, and I have the laptop for work... so technically everyone has their own. We all want to use the desktop at exactly the same time though. :)


  6. wendy, toly is our feral child and he has his own minion. kids are so much fun.

    jenny, the kids already have their own cheap laptop but warcraft is much more fum when they team up.

    beau, i hope your beets go crazy.

    matt, yep they love it. better yet it was free.

    ron, thanks i do realize that more computers aren't the answer. especially sine there is no more room in our little house for another one.

  7. lurker here, always check to see whats going on with you and yours, you have such a wonderful family, and truly have found quality living.

    about the maters. I think culling out some of the leaf stem growth on the sides and allowing more air circulation might solve some of your blight problems. perhaps if you try that on the three directly next to the infected area you can monitor how well that works.
    thanks for many great moments
    margret robbins


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