Sunday, March 07, 2010

i am scared to admit it

i am so content and happy that i am scared to own up to it for fear that the carpet might get jerked out from under me.

really, i have had tons of crappy stuff happen to me through the years. most of it i deserved. i am pretty sure that i don't deserve to be this happy. from a karmic perspective i am barely keeping up with the minimum payments.

lately it has been pretty blissful around here. we are making noticeable farmstead headway. my kids impress me every day. they are interesting, really interesting. is there anything better than being interesting? oh, i could wax on about how brilliant they are or how artistic or athletic. although they do possess all of those admirable traits mostly i am happy that they are interesting. after all i am their father.

my wife is wonderful and i'm sure that i don't deserve her. she just made the most incredible sour dough bread. ok there are plenty of things better than sour dough bread, i just can't think of any right now. we just spent the last two days working extremely hard on yard and garden stuff. my muscles feel it. i want to get her one of these:

she deserves it. we had a much cheaper version made by lodge. it hasn't stood the test of time. well, a brief year of babying it doesn't really count as a test. anyway we have a le cruset skillet and it is worth every penny that i spent on it many years ago.

i am generally feeling very blessed. ok, i'm unemployed and that kinda sucks. i did donate some effort to bob's church. they needed their windows repaired. i did most of the work already, tomorrow i'll put on the finishing touches.

we are preparing for our pastured poultry offering to the locals. we have decided to charge $2.50 per pound. having gone over the costs and expenses it is the best deal we can offer. people seem interested. we will take a deposit to assure that interested parties get birds reserved.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    What can be better than to work hard for a long stretch, followed by much-needed rain and downtime? :)


  2. I wish I lived near you. $2.50 a lb seems like an excellent deal for chickens raised happily, treated humanely, and allowed to live the way chickens should live. They must taste amazing - your customers are lucky!

  3. My husband just got me one of those...but the Lodge brand was still a little he got me one that is "kirkland" brand at the Costco warehouse store...i think it cost 45. dollars...its heavy as hell!

  4. We are anticipating my husband losing his job by the fall and although it is a little nerve-wracking we feel that it is the opportunity to live more self-sufficiently which is what we have been working towards the whole time we've been together...

  5. Your weather looks so nice:) It hasn't been really warm enough to get outside here in Kentucky...although today is suppose to get in the 50's.

    I didn't know that you could plant strawberries this early? I know that is time to prune a few apple trees:)

  6. I bought my wife one of the large dutch oven Le Creuset pots in burnt orange as a gift for passing her Medical License Exam. We have used it regularly for the last six years and I'm guessing it will last ten times that. We've been lucky and bought a smaller one and a sauce pan version, both also burnt orange at auctions for extremely cheap prices because obviously those who weren't bidding didn't know what they were worth. They were probably 40 or 50 years old judging by the age of other kitchen related items but look just as good as the one I bought. So if you do get one for Tabitha, you won't regret it as they will last your lifetime.

  7. $2.50/pound for pastured poultry? That's pretty cheap - almost sounds too cheap, but we're used to paying much more here to get good pastured chicken (one place at almost $6/pound, plus we had to go get them, another larger operation at about $4.50/pound, with a small delivery fee that makes it worth it). I hope that covers all your costs on a per-bird basis and gives you a bit extra as well.

  8. We pay $3.37/lb for pastured chicken here! (near Portland, OR)

    Maybe feeling worried by your bliss is a man thing. lol My husband often said, once we found each other, that he was afraid that he was somehow going to die soon, because he now had everything he'd ever dreamed of & didn't think he deserved a lifetime of that. Sounds a bit corny, but it's true. :) I say, enjoy your bliss while it lasts!

  9. Wish I could buy some too... that sounds great. I think we deserve every bit of the life we create. Which goes both ways I suppose :) It's a lot like the weather too, but it's nice to choose how we'll respond to it. What a wonderful example you provide for the children.

  10. I have no idea why I typed that number..... We pay $3.75 per lb for our chicken.

  11. Hi Karl~
    I know this probably isn't your thing, but it wouldn't be right of me not to invite as I am inviting all my fave bloggers and you are def. one of them. So I am here and I am inviting you to come over to my blog and play in our giveaways this month. We have to going right now and one you even get to pick your prize. We do have some stuff that might be cool fo this kids. Just a thought, you are totally welcome to join us!


  12. I'm not sure why you don't believe you deserve happiness - you work hard, you love your family, you don't take advantage of or cheat other people ... as far as I'm concerned happiness is the least the Universe owes :).

    And I second what others have said - $2.50/lb for pastuered chicken is a good deal.


The golden rule applies here...