Wednesday, March 10, 2010

keep your fingers crossed

our babies are spending the night in the green house. our seedlings have all germinated. they can stand a low temperature of greater than 50°. i have a heater set. the thermostat has no relationship with fahrenheit or celsius. it numbers 1 through 10 with two little switches for single and double power output.
i took a shot in the dark and flipped one switch and set it on four. i could rig a thermostat to a relay and have it control an outlet. not really an easy solution but i might do just that tomorrow. it won't get that cold tonight anyway. but i will need some piece of mind in a few days when temperatures will allegedly drop.

i worked on the barn today. long time readers know how long this barn had been in the making, almost as long as my root cellar. i finished the batten board on one side and started the opposite side. tristan helped me drill most of the holes in the sycamore planks. the wood is so dry and hard that it requires drilling. it is difficult work but it will look great when it is done. i rigged a two pulley block and tackle and straitened it up a little. it was hit by a very strong storm a while ago. i didn't have enough cross bracing and i almost lost it. the very next day wrenched it back into almost plumb. i cross braced the crap out of it and that is how is has stood for many months.

our camera has had a depleted battery for a few days. i'll try to get pictures tomorrow. i have been so busy lately and also seem to be the only one that can charge the battery. sorry i'll get right on that..

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have been enjoying your site for awhile now, and this is my first comment. If you can, go to "the pioneer woman" site, get into the cooking section and sign up for the 9qt pot you were wishing for. You will have til 9pm tonite to comment. Good luck.


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