Sunday, August 15, 2010

taste of marrow

Sometimes life seems too wonderful, while other moments are bitter with strife. Questioning the condition is a product of leisure. Busy living one doesn't analyze the moment, hopefully we live it. Lately I have been grasping the instant, the spark. The adoring look of my child's eye I relish. I live there for as long as I can. This moment is mine to cherish until all other memories fail. When I die this is the moment I want to resurrect. Full to the brim, rich like no wealth can describe. I am happy...


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I love your posts, blessings to you and yours.

  2. that is lovely, karl. i love kassi's garden! i am very excited for her. we're getting ready to build a chicken tractor so i'm gonna glean some of your designs. thing are well here, hope you are are well, too. cheers-molly

  3. Is that your ring on your necklace?

    Kassi's garden looks wonderful:)

    Are you getting ready to make a few Christmas items this year? I am already starting on a few projects.


  4. anon, thanks

    molly, you might be interested in how my father-in-law build his. he has some really great ideas too.

    renee, yeah that is tabitha's wedding ring but it is on her neck knife. christmas is not on our horizon yet.

  5. Hello Karl,
    It is wonderful to see your happy family grow. Wow, it happens so quickly! I am glad that you are taking the time to enjoy each moment.

    All my best,


The golden rule applies here...