Wednesday, August 18, 2010

bucket fountain to water chickens

Here is an illustration of my low pressure water fountain supply using a five gallon bucket as the reservoir.

This diagram connects directly to the Little giant fountain.

This is the brand we started with and like it as long as we use a (sock) pre-filter. There are other fountains that have benefits and shortcomings. Mostly, this what we started with. The unit has a small screen in the threaded connection point but it gets clogged quickly. Using the sock pre-filter mostly solves this problem.

The bucket can hang from the bail or sit over a horizontal support with a hole in it. I use both methods. In my father-in-law's tractor it hangs from the bail. In my tractors I use a milk crate with a hole cut in the bottom zip-tied to the tractor for security. If I remove the fountain by the quick dis-connect the bucket can lift out of the milk crate for dumping or maintenance.

The piece of hose allows the fountain bowl to hang level and makes swirling the fouled water out quickly and easily with one hand.

I also use this style fountain in my rain water collection system for the laying hens. I had to employ a different pre-filter than a sock.


  1. Nice diagram... I like the sock filter and bulkhead ideas.

    I imagine with the hose hanging directly below the bucket it also reduces the sunlight degrading the rubber...

    I'm thinking about trying nipple waterers, but I don't think anyone around here has them.


  2. Selden7:22 PM

    Karl, thank you so much! I am going to print this out and hope to try it. I am involved with building a garage at the moment so who knows when I can get to it but I'm always excited by ideas that seem simple and yet completely functional. Thank you.

  3. Karl, I don't know if you have ever tried the Plasson waterer - but they never clog during the season. I only raise one batch now, but we only had to deal with spider webs from winter storage. Other than that, they work perfectly and we are using non-filtered water from our spring, so unless we get a leak in our 5 gallon bucket we don't run out of water.

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  5. ron, thanks i have just downloaded sketch up. I might design my house in it. I might employ nipple waterers as backup. let me know where you find a good deal on them.

    selden, i'm happy to serve.

    TTC, yeah our friends that raise broilers have them. I like them just fine. more pricey than the ones we have. the comedy of errors that caused the most recent death would have been avoided by their use. but, something else probably would have happened.

  6. Karl, my first time visiting you and wow! Your family is doing some great things, I can't wait to spend some free time reading backwards - good stuff!


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