Thursday, October 21, 2010

broken drawing arm

Kassi is beside herself not being able to draw. She still tries but gets frustrated.


  1. Poor thing. Hope she feels better soon!

  2. She is wonderful. Hugs.

  3. Hope she regains use of her arm soon. In the meantime, do you think you could sell her on the idea of trying to use her other arm instead? Then when she has use of both arms again she can have two pens/markers/brushes/crayons on the go at the same time. My oldest sister is slightly ambidexterous and she told me once that she completely freaked out her art teacher by taking the easy way out on some exercise that was supposed to involve them being very quick to change brushes - so she just held one in each hand and her teacher thought it was very odd (it was the mid-seventies, as if that's any excuse :-) ).

  4. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Fantastic photo. Hope the kid's arm heals OK.

  5. What a beautiful child. I hope her little arm heals quick so that she can get right back to her drawings. ~ Jen

  6. I agree with Moonwaves. I'm fully ambidextrous and I can't tell you what an advantage it is! One arm gets tired: switch!
    But apart from the skill (which is tough to learn by practice) it'll be fun. It'll be an experiment, and the results will be SO different.
    You can tell her that when she uses her left hand, she'll be using the artistic, right side of her brain. Who know what creative treasures are hidden there that she would never access had she not had this wonderful opportunity to explore it?

  7. Hello there, Miss Kassi. I bet you can draw well with the other hand. Give it a try for you are a great artist already. One day you will be a "Famous" artist and maybe I'll be lucky enough to own one of your creations.
    It is always wise to have a backup plan. Your daddy can tell you this also.


The golden rule applies here...