Friday, October 15, 2010

Foray into slipform masonry

This masonry work will be below grade so it will never show. That is until some distant future archeological dig. This is my first try using this method. Besides the rocks being too small and my cement being a little too runny I think my experiment turned out fine. During this first below grade course I'll adjust my cement wetness and rock placement to judge my end results.

I used some rough planks as the form. The next tier will have to include embedded tension wires to hold in the bottom. I'll show that technology when I get there. I also embedded some barbed wire to add reinforcement.

The kids were incredibly helpful. They placed all the rock while I shoveled in the cement. As aesthetics become more important I'll monitor that process more closely.

Tabitha just arrived from the hospital. Kassi does indeed have a broken arm, a small incomplete fracture.
No more jumping from the barn loft!!!


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hope she feels better soon! (See you got the lame button added, too :-))

  2. Sorry about Kassi's broken arm. Builds character, and all of that.

    I didn't miss the pick axe in one of your photos in this post. Ozark soil and pick axes go together. (I'll be wielding one today in my woods.)

  3. At her age it will heal quickly. Was it her dominant arm? Usually is, since that's the one everyone reaches out to catch themselves with to break a fall. That always makes it more difficult since Kassi won't be able to draw or do her art work as easily. Wouldn't be an active healthy childhood without a broken bone or two.

  4. Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear about Kassi's arm. I hope she's all better very soon ... and you, too! I hear pine tea is good for respiratory ailments - I don't now if it works for allergies, but I do know that it's excellent for colds ;).

  5. Aw, poor thing. Hopefully it heals nicely.

    I never jumped out of a hay loft but for some odd reason when I was a kid, my sister, brother, and I would put pillows and covers on the floor. Then we would get in a zipped up sleeping bag (2 kids at a time) and roll off the top bunk of our bunk bed into the pile on the floor. I'm not sure how we didn't all break our necks. Lucky I guess.

  6. Bummer on the arm...part of the "fun" though I guess.

    Please keep showing progress on your slip form construction...I am so interested...

    btw, I like the new header and the overall look. Very cool!


The golden rule applies here...