Sunday, April 22, 2012

everyone that prayed, sent good thoughts my way when I was due for my heart operation. Whomever you are please pray and send good thoughts toward a little boy named Noah. he is my friend and has to go into have brain surgery soon. we need a miracle, so please pray for one. Noah is in a lot of pain and is having surgical procedures on 3 consecutive days. Please, please pray.


  1. Noah had had his operation. His pain is gone. it will be three years before we know if this worked. Thank you.

  2. I just found your blog tonight (actually while looking for a waterer plan for the chicken coop my mom and I are getting ready to build for my new next step in moving my family toward a simpler way of living, the way I was raised until the age of 10). I am lifting Noah up even though is operation is complete, praying that God just continue to touch and heal him! Same for you! Can't wait to read more on here...just barely scratched the surface of a couple posts and love it already.

  3. Thanks for your comments, Karl! We may be needing to ask your advice on some stuff, never done the pastured poultry before. We are definitely going to be building a whizbanger chicken plucker. We are also referring to Joel Salatin's book(s). I am excited to see what ya'll have a'brewing. Hope you are well and happy.
    Cheers- molly

  4. Hi Karl- we are definitely going to be making a chicken plucker. where did you guys source your birds from? I think we are going with the cornishX but may try some freedom rangers as well. Joel Salatin is our guru at the moment. i am so looking forward to being back at the land.

  5. molly,

    sorry we have been so busy. we are trying to buy a house in berkeley.

    "the" Hatchery is (central hatchery) they are old school by phone orders only. 100 bird minimum. the chicks are healthy and robust. buy then no where else!!! besides they are incredibly cheap for Cornish cross comparably.

    If we get this house i'll be blogging again in earnest. it is a fixer-upper, exciting times at the o'melays.

    you can always call us. just email & i'll send our phone #


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