Saturday, October 20, 2012

How they left the place--keeping it real

the downstairs back bedroom

No picts of the used condoms and the awful porn left here.

upstairs back bedroom

These pictures don't really do this justice. 
The strong smell of urine and cheap vanilla cigar smoke keeps the the gag reflex at "stand ready"

Respectfully yours,


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Serious yuck. But, at least they apparently practice safe sex (thank goodness!!!!)....

  2. Ha ha! I agree with Anonymous!

    I, myself, bought a vacant abandoned house for cash back in July. It was (and still is in some respects) amazingly abused. I started a blog about it, but it's been a slow progress (due to other crap taking presidence).

    Your house has definitely been abused, but I do know, having followed you from your homesteading years and beyond, that you will make it a gorgeous Omelay house in no time flat!! I am happy you are writing about it all!


  3. oh my gosh- what a mess was left! Gross. But that will give you a really good feeling of progress made as you go along.
    It will be a great home.
    We are pulling for you over in our neck of the woods. Change is always good, and will come regardless. Best to the family. We are rooting and following your journey.
    love, Dogfight Cove.

  4. Sometimes when things are bad, I feel grateful. I wouldn't feel motivated to make some of the changes I have if the situation hadn't compelled me to.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anon, Thank goodness indeed.

    Gina, we love it. Tabitha was shell-shocked at the initial visit. Now it is ours and we love it.

    Molly, you guys should come visit. Berkeley is always a great time. We'd love to put you guys up for a visit.

    Ron, it is not so bad anymore. blog post will follow.

  7. Eew. We recently bought and renovated a 5-plex in an old Victorian house, and it was in much the same condition. We took out 2 huge dumpsters (you know, the kind that are 25+ feet long) of trash out of the place. The tenants had had all sorts of animals peeing & pooping on the carpets. We have to paint some of the subfloors with oil-based primer to get rid of the stench.

    Now the work is all done and all units are rented with really clean, responsible people. And the place is beautiful after the renovations. It's amazing how you can transform a trash heap into something lovely with enough work and ingenuity.

  8. Oh my goodness, that is awful! I guess the upside is that you get to redo everything exactly how you want it, even if it's going to take some time and elbow grease.


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