Saturday, October 20, 2012

Toly took a bunch of photos of us cleaning today

hundreds of staples. Tristan was a big help--he always is..
O'Melays working together
such a serious photographer.


  1. Well done, photographer!
    That looks like a beautiful floor! I love the rich color.
    We renovated a HUD home once. It was full of ick when we took possession. And full of holes in the walls too. We wrote bible verses inside and patched them back up!
    Honestly, I don't know what an Orthodox would do, but as a Roman Catholic, I would run, not walk to ask a priest to do a house blessing and then hang a crucifix in every room, even if it was just a plastic rosary like Mother Teresa used to do. Please don't be offended if that is not your icon in each room maybe? Either way, many blessings upon the O'Melay family in their new home. Many prayers for health and safety for everyone there all the way from Minnesota.

  2. Icons were on the first trip to the house. Yes there will be a house blessing.

    I love the color also. We have such high hopes. The kids already love the house.

  3. It sure is a nice surprise to find decent hardwood under carpet. We found it under green shag right before we moved.


The golden rule applies here...