Friday, November 20, 2015

Kitchen progress.

The windows and door came today. I tore out the old crappy back door. The hole must be larger for the double french doors. I had to support the roof while installing a new header over the french doors. 

Panorama photos are great but skew things so much it is difficult to tell what is going on. I am standing where the fridge will go and spun from the back door toward the makeshift kitchen behind the plastic on the right. Tabitha and I installed the two windows on the exterior wall of the dining area. 

Tomorrow I'll install the french doors and probably tear up more of the floor.


  1. Looks like an ambitious project, but fun too. It's always nice to make a dramatic improvement to something you use every day.

    We're adding a garage on to the house over here. One more cup of coffee and then it's time to get to work.

  2. Ron, Yes ambitious, especially since our kitchen is very incapacitated for the duration. I cannot work on it much during the week, Monday through Thursday. I come home tired from my job. Planning, purchasing, and scheming are mostly what I do during the week. I make as much of a push during my long weekends as possible.

    I love to see your efforts there.


  3. You are a brave man! Undertaking such a big project scares me. We have needed to tear a good portion of our floors up and replace them for some time. It just never seems to be a good time to disrupt the whole house and make sure we have enough time/money to get it all done immediately. Throw kids into the mix and it really seems overwhelming. A brand new kitchen seems tempting enough though! It will be amazing when finished. Sending happy thoughts your way for quick progress with no bumps. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Kristin, Thanks it is scary for us also. It could wait no longer. We were embarrassed by how we were living. Our kitchen would have been grotesque even by frat-boy standards. Now we just hope for few unexpected obstacles and a speedy finish.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.



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