Sunday, November 22, 2015

New back door

Here is what our old door looked like.

I took out the door and that old window on the right. I installed a temporary header to carry the rafters while I ripped out that door and made the opening large enough for french doors.

I reused the removed siding and patched the window hole. 

Tabitha helped me tear up some more of the flooring and clean the mess. See the new window on the right? 

Here is the new larger opening. We can actually see our backyard.

New french doors.

This is their new home.

These doors were a pain in the butt to get hung properly. Between the old house and manufacturing discrepancies it took quite a while to get them to operate smoothly.


  1. But they certainly look nice Karl!

  2. Ed, Thanks. So far I really like it. Both the breakfast dining area and kitchen will benefit from the additional light and unfettered view to the backyard.


  3. the doors are gorgeous! and i am really glad to see you posting again. much love to you, tabitha and all the wee ones!

    your friend,

  4. I'm not sure if I ever told you but a long time ago when you lived in a state much closer to me, I was inspired by the projects you undertook to fix up your previous house. It certainly gave me courage to attempt the same thing with my house. One of the last rooms I haven't touched is the kitchen so perhaps by the time you are done with yours, I will have enough courage to do mine. The one thing I learned from these last two posts, is that I'm probably going to have to find a temporary spot for a small kitchen while working on the main one. Doing projects like this gives me satisfaction and a pocket book savings but certainly at the expense of total project time.

  5. Backyard view is huge! Looking great! So fun to read! I agree with Ed. It is inspiring!

  6. Thanks, Ed & Em

    I hope I can get back into the groove of blogging regularly. I really miss it, especially when I am feeling reflective and need encouragement to continue with projects.



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