Saturday, January 16, 2016

Artifacts in the walls

We have found quite a bit of stuff in our walls and ceiling. Here are some inverted snaps of the glass plate negatives that we found.

Kinda cool...

We also found something of significant value. I don't want to disclose what it is because we are sending it to a dear friend and want it to be a surprise. 

I'll post about it later.


  1. Looks like the same two brothers in those photos. Do they have a history to the original house?

  2. Of all the years I've been gutting walls, I think the most interesting thing I've found is a crowbar. The last house I found a single sock. I lost did contribute once by sealing up a cordless battery in a wall cavity. . I never seem to have any luck when it comes to finding things in walls. I love the old pictures.

    1. Ed - A single sock!? I busted out laughing!
      Karl - So interesting! I have followed Tabitha and your blogs forever! I think I have posted once before. It was a memorable day. One of your children had just been born at home.

  3. Ruthlynn, We don't know anything yet but we are committed to find out as much as we can.
    Ed, I bet the other sock lived in someone's drawer waiting in vain for the prodigal sock.
    Erin, Thanks for posting. I'm just trying to get traction blogging again. Comments seem to help.


  4. This is really amazing. I now want to try this at our place. 😆 It has been so great reading your blog! Em

  5. I have hidden things behind walls I have built, and I've left messages in houses that may never be found. I read of a man dismantling an old chimney at a tumble-down cabin and finding a tin box with a not inside cursing whoever dismantled the old chimney. The man was collecting the stones for a new chimney at his cabin, so he left a similar note.


The golden rule applies here...