Tuesday, January 05, 2016

No, that was not the final kitchen.

Albeit a vast improvement over our last "play-kitchen" this iteration of our kitchen is only temporary. We are hoping that it'll only be like this for several weeks. We are not quite halfway there. This second phase requires substantial plumbing gas and water. It also requires me to run new wiring for our convection oven. Then the usual stuff like new outlets and lighting, insulation, drywall, new window, painting, new cabinets, sink, countertops, range hood, subway tile the backsplash and stove wall, and flooring. ...whew

Yes, this is a big project.


  1. You must have some time off or are putting in long hours or both to get as much progress as you have in such a short time. But I know from experience, anytime you have a kitchen that is not very functional seems like an eternity. Can't wait to see the final product.

  2. Thanks Ed,

    Yes, I've had a bit of time off. Normal Christmas/New Year holidays. Mostly having a very dysfunctional kitchen creates a sense of urgency that allows my time to be channeled to an efficient avenue.

  3. When you're done there, can you come to my house?

  4. Pablo,

    I still have to remodel the kids bathroom, then on to the garage that is falling down and begging to be an in-law unit.

    after that, I'm way overdue for a long rest. after that....


The golden rule applies here...