Sunday, July 30, 2006

panorama july 30 2006

here is our overdue panorama. the bean arch/arbor is getting some yellow leaves. the castor bean plants have huge leaves--some are over two feet across. one of our tomato trellis fell over during the last thunderstorm. we had to prop it back up and re-tie several plants back up. they all seem to have survived.

instructions on how to use the panorama link for the best possible experience are located at this previous post.


Anonymous said...

Where's the volleyball court?

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for some time now and think you have a wonderful place! I wish my gardens looked that healthy.

Anonymous said...

After a year, I think it would be cool if you could do a post of all of these panoramics in the order you took them so we could see the progression of the seasons in your garden. Just an idea.

Omelay said...

uncle matt, "which way to the beach biff?"

prairie chick, thanks for the complement and comment.

pablo, excellent idea

Ed said...

One of these days, I'll plant a garden like that. Unfortunately, my house in town does not get enough sunlight to grow anything more than a few tomato and pepper plants in one corner.

I grew some peas for baby food this year but due to a dry spring and lack of my getting out to water them, it was a pretty poor crop.

Walter Jeffries said...

Cool! I love pans - you get to see the wide view of life. :) Pablo's idea is excellent. I've been trying to do something like that, doing a pan each week of our valley and pastures, but I've missed some weeks.

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