Tuesday, October 10, 2006

anatoly gustav wren o'melay

anatoly gustav wren o'melay born at 4:01am 10/10/06
8lbs 6oz , 21 inches, 15 inch head
toly is beautiful
tabitha was miraculous
i'm tired


rhea said...

great picture!

Danielle said...

I bet your both so tired, but what better reason for it! Toly is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Toly. What a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations a thousand times over! <3

The Unusual Farmchick said...

Congratulations!Enjoy the babymoon!

sugarcreekfarm said...

Awww, Toly is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations to all of you on your new addition to the 'pile' :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to my Best Friend and the Best Friend he's ever had, Tabitha. I'm very proud of you both! I love you all very dearly and I'm bursting with happiness for your latest addition, Toly, who's now on top of the Pile of O'Melays. Man, I gotta get me a couple of those little things so that T, K, and A have some Caloifornia cousins to play with! I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

BTW, did you eat the placenta?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on another gorgeous little one!

Omelay said...

thanks everybody. baby-moon yummm....

stop reading now if easly grossed out.

took a sliver of the placenta and put it under her tongue immediately after it was out. later that day i lightly cooked some for her. she liked it and it seemed right. who'd of thought?

Anonymous said...

Cool! With some of that fresh salsa?

toraji said...

Congratulations!!! Enjoy that new baby smell and your babymoon!

I am so impressed that placenta was eaten. You guys are hardcore.

Anonymous said...

Havent checked in for awhile and so glad to read of Toly's arrival. Many, many blessings!

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