Saturday, September 29, 2007

a glimmer of hope

she is still up and walking around. she eats (very little) she pees and poops. if she had either of the aforementioned diseases she'd be in much worse condition--down or dead. after hours of tabitha pouring over cow disease websites. after nimue presenting a new symptom. after talking to a different veterinarian, better, nicer and more competent. we and he believe that she has blue tongue disease--not fatal.


secondary infections can be fatal. he recommended antibiotics. we gave her her first shot this morning.

we are meeting him to get more medicine later today


Jo said...

OH THANK GOODNESS, Karl and Tabitha. I've been heartbroken for you since I read the post last night. Continued vibes of good health to your cow...

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Nimue!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that you will pay the original asshat vet a visit to inform him personally of Nimue's survival?!

Beth said...

Oh Hallelujah. I have been worried about Nimue since reading your post yesterday.


KnitMoka said...

Fabulous! So very grateful to hear the news! Will light a candle for strenght, healing, and joy today!

Anonymous said...

we are keeping our fingers crossed, good wishes streaming her way.... Sarah and I want to send some $$ to help offset what must be a very costly, unplanned expense... should we send it to Tabitha's paypal account? It won't be much, but surely every bit will help make it easier to try all remedies.
Today, I suggested to Tabitha that maybe getting grass seeds and planting a shallow flat to grow soft, tender, nutritious greens might help Nimue get more food into her without hurting so much?
Let me know about where to send the money asap.

Lafianza.doula said...

I'm praying for you all. and i hope for the very best!

Phoebe said...

Oh that's so much better to hear!

I will try to call you guys tomorrow, I can actually speak now - jaw is recovered from surgery.

xoxo Fee

Anonymous said...

I have my fingers crossed. I wish there was something I could do for you all.

MamaHen said...

Hey! I'm so glad to hear that she is better; hope for continued recovery!

BeanMama said...

OH OH OH!!!!! Oh, I am SO glad to hear this news. I've been thinking of your Nim all day today.

Anonymous said...

that's better news!! hopefully the antibiotics kick in and work.

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