Tuesday, March 10, 2009

overdue photos

this was the coop before yesterday

these are my accomplishments as of last might.

i have all the rafters on. i need to finish some small details then it will be time for the steel.

tomatoes anyone?

silver laces wyndotte pullets

"show heifer"

rome loves these spring-like days

and canned peaches

princesses like the weather too.

here tristan is showing that the peach tree is almost blooming


tansy said...

wow! that is an impressive coop. those chickens are going to be living in style!

seeing those seedlings reminds me of how far behind i am. i need to hop to it.

Captain's Wife - Jennifer said...

Great pictures! :) The coop is fantastic!

Kristianna said...

You are an excellent builder, Carl, and great progress! Our coop is only 8X8 - yours is a great size.

Nice photos of your lovely and lively family. :-) It appears as spring has sprung in O'Melay country. We still have inches and inches of snow on the ground here in the northeast.


Shannon said...

I'll have to show Alex this. I've been bugging him to build a coop so I can buy some of the neighbor's chickens. We have a stack of free wood lying about from a bathtub shipping company. Don't you just love deals?!

Omelay said...

tansy, you're not that far behind we are early.

jennifer, thanks

kristianna, we are expecting another cold spell tomorrow.

shannon, buy your pullet chicks now. forget your neighbor they'll sell you old played-out hens. by the time your hens are ready you'll have a coop.

warren said...

that's no coop...that's a summer cottage! nice work!

white_lilly said...

Are you sure that is going to be the chook house. It looks pretty impressive.

Rome is a cute chubby baby
Great photos of the kids:)

Wendy said...

Your "chicken shack" looks awesome! We're planning a new coop this year, too. It's never-ending, isn't it? :)

Sasha said...

Great pics! Can't wait to see the finished coop.

Did you know that if you type in "square hay bale feeder plans" your blog is the second google hit?

Jocelyn has gotten so big! Do y'all still have Phoenix?


Omelay said...

warren, yes it's a coop or in the event of total economic collapse uncle matts new home.

wite lilly, thanks we like chubby cheeks too.

wendy, it is never ending...

sasha yes phoenix is still queued for the butcher though

Ron said...

Wonderful coop... chickens will love it. Princesses certainly do like the weather. :)

What is the foundation made of?


Anonymous said...

Thats going to be a great chicken coop!

Omelay said...

ron, i can't tell you how glad i am to hear from you. the foundation is poured cement piers. tabitha dug the holes i capped them with an inverted bucket with no bottom and filled them with cement. i used old steel sign post set in the concrete as the attachment. the floor is 2x12 pressure treated culls as joists. that new osb is the decking then a billboard tarp to keep it all safe during construction.

tim, we hope so. it should house 50 chicks then the other half will be chicken oriented storage.

Ron said...

That sounds like a substantial foundation... Matt really could live in there. :)

Enjoyed your photos. The expensive twig (they claim is a peach tree) that we planted last fall is showing signs of life. Spring is great.


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