Friday, March 20, 2009

the victory garden revived

if you care about growing your own food and keeping that sentiment alive then you must read this. white house vegetable garden

i think it is brilliant. now if they could just kick monsanto out of the U.S. ;)


Wendy said...

Roger Doiron, a fellow Mainer, initiated the "Eat Your Lawn" campaign to get the "next" president (during the campaign last year) to plant a garden on the White House lawn. I was so excited to hear that his efforts were rewarded :).

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much residual pesticide and herbacide is in the soil of the white house lawn? How would you assure that wouldn't be a factor? Raised beds filled with chem free dirt? You know that lawn has been spayed extensively.

syncbox said...

The garden will be tended by a white house carpenter who is also a beekeeper, I read in the Washington Post. I thought of ya'll when I read that...

Another person who campaigned for the garden was Daniel Bowman Simon, who last year drove a school bus with a sustainable garden on its roof across the country.

Hey, I am happy for ANY awareness in Washington DC

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