our garden is looking very farmer McGregor
i brought a wheel barrow load of compost and top dressed the beets and onions.
this is where we had a row of tomatoes last year. notice the hillbilly weed suppression?
the tomatoes have taken well and seem to like their new home.
now they have changed their forecast to include low forty temps for the next two nights. it is the only job where you can be consistently wrong and still keep your job. where is the accountability?
at least these guys won't suffer too much with new low temps.
our ginko tree is very happy here.
tabitha harvested a large basket of strawberries. there will be shortcake tonight.
the black raspberries are loaded with developing fruit. the bees have been really working on their blossoms.
our friends came to visit and their oldest daughter painted us a sign.
Kittens, on the back i plan to paint campfire wood. i'll turn it around when/if we run out of kittens;)
tacos with shredded radishes for dinner.
the barn is looking really nice too.
i put in a place to hang the carcass for our next butcher.
our chicks are almost three weeks old
i built them a hanging feeder out of 1/2 of a 4" pvc pipe.
they seem very strong and healthy. all natural pastured poultry.
Your garden is beautiful. Everything looks so good on your little plantation.
Does a ginko tree have blossoms? There are trees here I've tried forever to identify. Purple blooms hanging like grape clusters, the clusters of seed pods in the fall. Do you know what this is...maybe?
is this it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacaranda
Any tips on keeping the grass back? Looks like you have a lot of beds right next to grass. I could spend all summer just digging grass.
the grass next to the tomatoes is winter wheat just mowed. it won't spread. the other grass next to the beet row is invasive. sometimes we mulch, sometimes we hoe, and sometimes it wins...
Karl, If the leaves or needles showing behind the blooms is part of the Jacaranda, then no, this is not it. This has been a puzzle for years.
Gorgeous Garden!
Sissy, My guesses are http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paulownia
Looking very farmer McGregor. :)
I like the hillbilly weed suppression!
It's hard to believe you're in the Ozarks with all of that actual soil.
ron, thanks. yep, we are bad to use old carpet when we have it. water passes through it but it doesn't allow the weeds up through. i remember when i thought it was way too hill billy for me. now it seems like a time saving smart choice.
pablo, that soil came at a price, first clearing the forest that grew there. second we hauled in a little pond sediment that first year. mostly that is the result of five years of composting.
If you dont mind my asking, how much land does your family farm?
amy, only five acres. we have grazing rights to a few more. currently we only have two acres of our land developed. if we were to develop our total acreage we would have access to more even land which we could use. relatives own the land adjacent to our little plot.
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