it almost like having fresh basil all winter.
meet link and patty.
they are pretty cute and in the old pen for now. i have to get a few more pallets before get started on the new permanent pen.
i have some molasses to put on the water fountain nipple to get them to start using it. jocelyn is curious about it since sweet grain is coated with molasses. henry is monitoring all these activites.
the new pen will be adjacent to the garden on the barn end. there is a large old stump that i'd like them to root out. if they manage to clear that area we'll expand the garden that direction in some future. speaking of expanding the garden one of our huge oak trees got hit by lighting. it'll die for-sure. that tree shaded part of our garden but made a nice shady spot in the front yard. we'd never have cut it down since the benefits of the tree outweighed the shade that it cast on the garden. it is a bitter sweet thing.. we'll likely plant a paulina empress dragon tree in a similar spot. closer to the driveway so it shades that area but not to encroach on the garden too much. i really like a ginko tree there but they grow so slowly. the jury is still out since the tree isn't gone yet.
tabitha's father has a large field of millet that he has been nurturing all summer.
it looks beautiful. we might try to get some of that hay for jocelyn for the winter.
it is so healthy and looks tasty. we are going to research the feed quality since milk cows require tons of protein.
kassi found a flower.
there were plenty to choose from.
here mike and tabitha are negotiating millet futures.
doesn't it look wonderful?
the lighting strike, happened at the same instant that the electric garage door opener gave up the ghost and our water heater failed. coincidence? it was so scary when it struck. it was only thirty feet from the house. thankfully it wasn't our house tree. we have a huge tree that shades our house and when that one dies it will be a sad day.
What has the weather been like there? You had long sleeves the children and your wife short:) It has gotten a lot cooler here in Kentucky.
Can't wait until fall finally arrives.
You might not need to use molasses to get the pigs started. They are very smart. In my experience, I merely pressed the nipple a few times, and that was enough for them to figure out where to go to get a drink. They came right over, got a drink, and were on their own after that...
Link and Patty? Karl, you are way too funny! I love the names you give the pigs!
I didn't know you had people nearby either. I love living near my in-laws. Anyhow, you are def home I can see...
I love you blog and hardly ever post, but I really think Tabitha should share her meatball recipe. Any chance of that happening?
The millet looks great... should be lots of doves around next month. I lost a water heater years ago due to a lightning strike- burned out the elements somehow. Cute names for the pigs!
we ahs a tree get hit down in Alabama before we moved north and it lived for about four more years, although in a limited capacity a little more each year.
cow love millet, they use it here for silage i think.
Please share the meatball recipe Tabitha! I have just as much basil here and would love a new way to use it.
By the way...Have you ever had hot millet cereal for breakfast??? Yummy!
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