yesterday kassi picked a few flowers from the field and went inside. she came out proclaiming that she knew their name. tristan and kassi sat at the computer and researched the flowers successfully. it was one of those epiphany moments.
tristan, the technophile has known the wonders of the computer for years. kassi has always dwelled in the physical realm. i know that each child is obviously different. tristan taught himself how to read mostly attributed to starfall wherein kassi is learning to read in a much more standard fashion.
finally, kassi is excited about the computer. she sees that it can be a useful tool for her desires. i love it when one of my kids becomes empowered. i hope that this excitement sticks. there is nothing greater than having the ability to teach yourself at your own pace.
What a great thing it is when kids are so enthusiastic about learning. And that learning is retained so much better when it's something they are interested in and can do themselves.
What your kids are doing is true education. All that they learn in this fashion they will never forget. The spoon fed way teaching is done in public schools is worse than worthless. It damages a child by teaching them to be a passive learner. Schools force a child to sit and wait for the teacher to tell you what is important, AKA, what will be on the test. Teachers flatter themselves by thinking that without them children can't learn a thing. The reality is that children are born curious and you can't stop them from learning unless you bore them to death with regimented schooling. Keep doing what you are doing. Your children will thrive! I know this from experience. I'm a parent of 5 (now adults) and have a teaching degree.
Denison's Missouri Wildflowers (1998), available through the Department of Conservation, is an invaluable guide. I had the privilege of meeting Edgar when I was in high school and the pleasure of hiking around the woods in the spring and early summer looking for strange wildflowers and plants.
Good stuff.
What a cool moment to have observed!
A couple of days ago, John was working on the generator in my new (old) motorhome and banging on the carburetor and other parts to knock loose a clog or whatever and little John was right in there doing the same and saying "Gawk" Gawk" over and over and it was so amazing to watch the attempt to do the same things and participate... I wished I had a camera to take video of it.
Learning through participation (ok, he's a bit young at 1 1/2 years!) or the way Kassi follows through to get the answers and the way Tristan shows her a way to find them is REAL learning. I agree whole-heartedly with Sheila on that... the same with knowing where your food comes from and all about life & death in animals AND plants.
It's such a good thing. But actually catching the key moments are a special reward... they can sometimes be missed in the hectic schedule of full days.
Karl, did the stone come from your site? The dry stack look is really nice.
that rock was imported by a friend for one of his huge jobs. these were the left-overs that he gifted me.
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