we also recieved the new McMurrary Hatchery catalog. we are contemplating our new girls. the group of suspected free-loaders will be under close scrutiny. this spring will be a large culling. chicken broth will be made and canned. we like the idea of the Light Brahmas, New Hampshire Reds and Golden Laced Wyandottes. we have a local hatchery in springfield but their quality and health of the chicks has always been questionable. McMurrary Hatchery is a bit more expensive but we feel that they are worth it.
i have tons more of work for this season, including several more trees to cut down. i should quit being so dreamy about the next season.
but we LIKE reading about your dreams! What makes you think some of the chickens are free-loaders? Do chickens lay the same amount of eggs year-round? The chickens here sort of went on vacation for the winter...
The canned beets we got were YUMMY! It's easy to go through a jar of them in a single meal of salad...
Glad to hear that the software is working so well :)
I got Golden Laced Wyandotts this past spring. They are beautiful, hardy and all but one is gentle. I'm looking into getting some Partridge Rocks, page 17 in McMurry. I have been wanting a big broody hen for years with no luck.
We're thinking about the Brahmas also. They seem to be a good match for us with our cold winters and little children.
I loved the Light Brahmas that I had. Unfortunately so did the local fox. They are on my list to order again. The one Golden Laced Wyandotte that I had was sweet and a wonderful setter. Again, the fox loved her, too. And again on my list to order this spring. My McMurray catalog is just about worn out already!
I have purchased 2 groups of chicks from Estes in Springfield and have had NO problems with health. We went to the store and picked them up(we live in Ozark). Just thought you might be interested
it isn't that there has been anything wrong with the estes chicks we have purchased on several occasions. it is just that mcmurrary's chicks grow faster have less attrition.
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