the furniture is still away from the walls but here is another view.
princess kassi was trying really hard to keep busy while we painted.
toly managed to get paint on him on several occasions.
the girls are really laying lately. we even got this huge egg yesterday.
it was like a goose egg. this was our egg haul yesterday.
when i cracked it to make french toast (morning cake) this is what i found.
all the years here we have never gotten a double yolk--twins. i guess we got twelve eggs yesterday after all.
luckily it was a three day weekend for me. we'd have never finished in just two days. every time i re-enter the room i am startled and overcome with glee. now if i can just keep the kids from smearing everything before it dries.
wow, it looks happy! I like it... it makes a statement and honestly, I think it really improves the room appearance, don't you? pulls all the surfaces together.
I don't even remember what color it used to be.
Great job!
oh the room came out gorgeous!! i love the color..:) and yay for laying chickens again! our's jsut started up again too..:)
That looks great - so cheerful and spring like!
live the paint color!
it freaks me ou that youve only ever got one double yolk bc we get our eggs from a farm and i like to think i trust them but when their chickens stopped laying alot for a month or so all of a sudden they started laying again and we got at LEAST one twin in each dozen. i wonder if there are things to may them lay more that would make more twins. gross, i dont even want to think abourt it. my kids though the double yolks were pretty cool though!
Yellow next! Really freak 'em out at Home Depot!
Very happy color! Great for midwinter!
well, i think it's a glorious color! who could be sad in a room like that?
and what do the "experts" know about it anyway?
Back when we used to raise chickens, we got double yolks fairly often. Several times a week I would guess. However, you could almost always tell them before you cracked them because they had lots of small bumps on the outside. I never figured out why that was.
I think it looks great! You people at the pile are so brave with your colors, it is truly inspiring. :)
I love that color...our dining room (which we use every day) is very much like that's a great way to start the day! Well done!
I love it! It's a gorgeous color, and I love that you've left all the trim white. It makes everything look so vibrant!
Awesome that your chickens are being egg machines. A dozen eggs a day! Wow! I'm jealous, although our seven chickens gave us four eggs the other day, and so I can't complain ... too much :).
i love it! it really cheers the place up. :)
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