here is the new tv with dvd shelf. the tv is so huge. i can read subtitles from across the room. the coat rack and book shelf were my shelf first creations.
this is the shelf that required the toggle bolts.
top right, notice the codex seraphinianus--my favorite book. if you ever get a chance to open one please please take the opportunity.
the top shelf is MINE. my change bowl gets my keys, wallet and sunglasses. the shelf also collects stuff and requires regular purging.
I absolutely love the most recent shelf you built. I bet if you built a pile of them, you could sell them at craft type fairs. We have one up in our neck of the woods called the Forrest Craft Festival and it is chock full of inferior products to your shelf.
I agree. I think you could sell those at craft fairs. Target and IKEA sell shelves like that made from MDF for big bucks.
People would pay for one that doesn't fall apart.
It's beautiful, Karl!
Looks really neat! Love how the contrast of the red walls :)
The shelf is great and I love the room color. I have no courage with color.
I have a question about Henry. We want to get a LGD but I am so afraid that I will feel sorry for him/her being outside all alone. Does Henry want to come in the house all the time? Was it hard to leave him out there when he was a puppy? I'm such a softy when it comes to animals.
I have a goose that bumps at our sliding glass door all the time to come in but you could imagine how that would be. We even bought a goose diaper to try it but thankfully our sense came back to us. I have heard they make great housepets though.
Henry seems fantastic and because of him I want one. We have so many problems with varmits. A mink, over the period a about three monts, systematically killed about 20 of my chickens, til we caught him.
Sorry this was so long..
ed abbey, matt, donna, thanks for the complement. it really isn't worth the trouble to make and sell though.
white lilly, we love love our walls too.
kevin and beth, i can't recommend great pyrenees enough. not everyone has the same results though. a friend just had hers kill a bunch of her chickens--they are mixed breed though. we got henry very young. his parents are working dogs under rigorous conditions. i was very strict with him in the beginning. now i hardly reprimand him. imo one of the most important things a dog owner can do is train their dog not to eat unless they wait for a while and then are told it is "OK." that is the only training i give henry anymore. he knows that i am dominant from this exercise and tries to please me.
Hi there,
Sorry to be so off topic here but please stick with me...
I run a blog called Farm Blogs from Around the World - it's just a hobby of mine, is non-commercial blog and it doesn't take advertising, apart from info about my own writing.)
At Farm Blogs I am trying to gather in one place the very best of global blogging about farms and anyone involved in food or natural fibre production on any scale.
The idea behind Farm Blogs From Around the World ( is that people involved in farming/rural blogging recommend the blogs that they themselves find the most interesting.
When a blog is recommended to me (you were recommended to me by a blogger in the U.S.A: ) I add the recommended blog to my site, as I have done with yours - with some basic info to help the country blog rolls be more than just a simple blog roll - then contact the recommended blog, asking for their own recommendations....which is how I come to be writing to you!
And so it grows, organically, hoping that good bloggers will lead us to great ones.
I'd really love it if you could send me a little text about your farm and your blog, so I can make a post about you, and ALSO you top 5 blog recommendations (extra points for any bloggers from countries not yet listed - we have Slovakia so I am growing!)
Can I hope to hear from you? I know it's a hassle but seems to meeting a real need and I try to do more than just a blog roll but help like minded people find each other.
(If you could also put a link to Farm Blogs that would be great, but it's no drama if you don't feel like it or find me not worthy.)
Thanks for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
P.S In the interests of knowing a little bit about your readers, I come to you from the Auvergne in France. I'm a writer, live here with my Australian wife and our three kids ( but I also run
I'm a rural downshifter you could say with 10 acres and we're pretty basic - a pig a year, chickens, veggies and we barter grazing and hay for meat and potatoes. We're hoping to expand as the family grows.
very nice!!
Those shelves are great! I love the most recent one, but they are all fabulous!
Oh, I love what you guys have done ...what a great room and terrific shelves!
Everything looks so good! Congrats on having your own shelf. Makes finding things nice.
that's it! i have to have a red room with white wall shelves...they are just too beautiful!!! you did a great karl! :)
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