things we have done.
butchered 12 more chickens
lamented over our failing garden
i hooked up the vacuum pump permanantly
got ready for guests
waited for the baby
made some fresh pico de gallo
went to a birthday party
kassi, toly and i got some sort of stomach illness
lamented over the garden and dying tomatoes
moved all TBK chickens into the newer tractors
had tansy and co. visit (that was fantastic)
learned to make her secret recipe soap (also fantastic)
went to the creek tansy took photos
between being sick and having guests i haven't even slopped out boca's pen. good thing animal control has more egregious offenders to worry about. almost a week later and my stomach still doesn't allow serious work for sustained periods. my day job has pretty much taken most of my failing energy.
tabitha is in those unreal final stages of pregnancy where when you look at her you can't believe that her body can do that. she is uncomfortable and ready for this baby. i sadly haven't been the help i should. today is a new day and my backlog of things to be done will consume me if i don't get with it today.
in other news.
i have decided to build a chicken plucker for then next season.
we are going to plant our tomatoes in fresh ground next year.
solar dehydrator still in queue (that one was for you matt)
honorable mention
i had a great time having tansy visit even though i was ill for most of it. the curing soap is making our whole house smell nice. we hope you can come visit again soon. i'll have an outhouse built by next summer (i promise)
big plans
we need a new chicken coop desperately
the milking barn has to get done.
high note
the beans are doing great
Get well, and best wishes to you and yours on the upcoming addition.
Ugh, we had a stomach thing too at our house. Amazing how so much stuff can come out of little tiny children. I am not feeling 100% myself yet either. It does seem to hang on, doesn't it
Good luck to Tabitha and the new baby. Do you all plan to have a natural birth?
We didn't get as much garden planted as we hoped because of our own birth.. our new one is 2 weeks old and we are loving every moment. He was our #4!
Sorry to hear about your tomatoes. Anyone local willing to share or sell some to you? LAst year we had poor tomatoes and hornworm invasion, so we ended up getting 2 bushel of tomatoes from a farmer down the road.
How is Nim doing? Also about to pop? I've been thinking about you recently, so sorry about the tomatoes! The beans look great, though.
Is that a picture of Toly? My goodness, how that boy has grown!
I had a cough that lasted a month. I think I'm finally over it now.
i should have left that tincture with you. i thought it had passed, darnit!
we had a great time too. adelena told me she wanted to go there every year for vacation. that is the ultimate compliment.
i'm curious how one builds a chicken plucker. i hope you create a tutorial on that one!
next time i'll show you how to make salves and lip balms and all those good things! more easy stuff. ;)
There you are! We all missed you here at "The Review of Pile of O'melay's". Is Tabitha blaming her for what you did to her...again? Bummer about the tomatoes, but the bean arch looks great! Great picture! And, sorry to hear you're sick...again. Queued? Again? Aaagh!
Ohhhh... sorry to hear about the stomach bug. It sure does rearrange your schedule for ya.
Hope the baby comes soon, for Tabitha's sake.
Your bean arches are awesome!
Build the outhouse from pallets. :)
Just stopped by for a visit. I wanted to say Hi and nice Blog.
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