but i digress..
the blogoshpere is a lessor place this evening and i'm sad about it.
enough said.
back to our regularly scheduled program.
tristan and i prepared onions for the dehydrator.
notice the fan blowing the onions sulfuric gas away?
kassi, toly and tabitha
yes toly is wearing one of kassi's dresses.
what do you expect his dad wears a kilt.
this is tabitha's latest creation. 'The Summer Dress"
kassi's private journal.
no peeking...
yeah, it made me sad to read that blog's end as well, as I'd read a lot and was quite guilty of not commenting. But now i will commente here, and say how much i love reading about your farm and your darling family. Thank you for everything you share with us!
For the rest of us...which blog jumped ship? Cool summer haircut on Tristan! Kassi looks very pretty in her new dress (is she in a "blue" phase now?), and Toly...well, I've seen you in a kilt, so nothing surprises me anymore.
Tell me, did you cry when you were cutting onions?
Yep, Ron will be missed. He could really give an account of his days.
In the meantime, your little darlings are growing up so fast!
Beautiful family.
What a treasure you have in that beautiful family!
I'll comment so you don't fold up your blog tent and fade into the night! His blog will be missed.
I appreciate the glimpses into your family's life.
You've inspired me to dry some onions for winter.
Karl, I thought you might enjoy this link to a blog on the Obama website. The author, Judith "Jude" Jones is very introspective and a very good read. Since you blog so much, it seemed like something you'd immediately get.
Jude Jones blog
hope that's ok.
Your sadness made me sad. :)
I sure do love seeing you and the kiddos doing things together. That's how it is over here, too. Who cares what the mainstream thinks? (well, except for now and then )
The dried onions sound great, we'll have to try that sometime.
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