we love asparagus.
the next thing we did was build the boys flowerbeds. tristan drilled all the holes for the screws. here they are on either end of these beds.
the dirt came from when we dug up the calf pen in preparation for deep bedding. the last little bit of it came from the old bathtub where we attempted cucumbers last summer.
here i am busy holding up that shovel.
this is my new hat. i love it. i forget that i am wearing it and the wind blows through keeping things cool.
this is tabitha's new hat. she loves it for similar reasons.
my beautiful wife.
the main reason we got so much done today is because the kids did this all day.
and this,
and this
and this
our next big thing we did was move the mailbox and make a bed around it and our sign.
we need a new mailbox. this one had seen better days when we moved here. i mortised that support beam with a hatchet and spade bit.
it is starting to look really cute, no? that was a ton of work. tristan hauled most of those rock in. i got the big ones, tabitha had to help on the really big one. the dirt came from our jerusalem artichoke bed. we need to re think where they are since they don't seem to thrive there.
tabithia transplanted lemon balm
to the root cellar.
while i raked leaves from the upper paddock and put them in the chicken coop as floor cover.
the cow is looking great these days.
this is the leftover rubble from the seed blocks yesterday.
they seem happy in their new diggs.
cute friendly happy little tomatoes grow now grow.
see what i mean by elegant?
these are just so aesthetically pleasing.
our little greenhouse is almost full. this is where you might find toly grazing.
spring is here in the ozarks.
gratuitous sleeping baby..
happy spring